slogan, its where tattoos go

Frequently Asked Questions

1 When will TattooCloud release an Android App?

March 2017 update !! The new Mobile Apps are being being worked on !!

We are building the new TattooCloud mobile app on React-Native. The same platform that Facebook and Instagram are written on. It will be available on both iOS and Android when it comes out. It's coming along really well, and we will invite beta users to start trying it out very soon.

As for on official V.1 launch date... s soon as we know we will post it here. In the mean-while use with a web browser. Any phone/computer/device with a browser can do everything on Just login with your favorite browser and go for it!

The new mobile app will have more features for artists, studios, convetion website clients, and everyone else will be able to browse the live tattoo stream and all the artist, studio, model, vendor, and other profile types.

It will also come out for iOS and Android at right about the same time.

We are shooting for Q2 or Q3 of this year at the latest.

I signed up with Facebook and now I can't log into my account on the app.

If you signed up with Facebook on the website you may continue to login using the Facebook login button - On the website.

HOWEVER, the app doesn't use Facebook logins (yet). You need to 1. confirm your email address (click the link in your welcome email) after you signup. 2. Change your password on the website to something you know. Then use that password to log into the app. Facebook login on the website will still work the same.

2 I created my account, now what?

Welcome to TattooCloud! You now have a blank gallery with the default "start here" image.

Check your email. We sent you a link you need to click to confirm your account.

Important - If you signed up using Facebook
To use the Mobile App you need to create a password. Do this now so you don't forget.

Just go under Account Settings and 'change password'.

Next, add info to your profile by entering your contact info, main-image, bio, select your user type(s) and set up your social feeds if you want to post to them as you add new tattoos.

You will also choose your NICKNAME. This is what you will be seen as on the site and your gallery will be at:

This is all under Settings in the top menu in Edit Profile.

Manage Portfolio - In main menu above - To start adding images to your gallery, or use the TattooCloud mobile app.

3 Why did an image disappear from my portfolio?

Because a moderator deemed an image not artwork.

To keep the quality of the content top-notch and focused on the art - we routinely scour images and remove images of what someone had for lunch, their dog, etc.

4 Why isn't my image showing up on the tattoo stream (//

This could be a few reasons. The tattoo stream is for high quality images of high quality tattoos or art. That's all. Here are the reasons your image might have been hidden from the stream:

  • Not a Tattoo or Art
  • Bad tattoo
  • Blurry Photo
  • Reported as inappropriate
  • Too much advertising
  • Screenshots from mobile devices that show app borders and status bars etc.
* They will still show up in your app and on your profile page; (just not the public tattoo stream:

5 Why did tags appear or change on my images?

TattooCloud admins browse porfolios and help tag them. We also remove tags that aren't allowed. Tags that aren't allowd are anything that isn't in the tattoo. Ie: your name, city, studio. Those are already in your profile so they won't do you any good as tags on the tattoo anyway.

Please read these tips: how to tag properly.
Tags are important part of quickly finding the art people want to see.

6 Which Apple Devices can use the TattooCloud Mobile App for Tattoo Artists?

Any Apple mobile device that has iOS 6.0 or greater installed.

7 What Social Networks can I post to with the TattooCloud App?

Facebook and Twitter currently.

We will will be adding more feeds as we have requests.

8 Why don't you have Instagram as a feed to post my tattoos?

In short, because Instagram doesn't allow other apps to post to theirs

Instagram said:

"At this time, uploading via the API is not possible. We made a conscious choice not to add this for the following reasons: Instagram is about your life on the go – we hope to encourage photos from within the app. However, in the future we may give whitelist access to individual apps on a case by case basis. We want to fight spam & low quality photos. Once we allow uploading from other sources, it's harder to control what comes into the Instagram ecosystem. All this being said, we're working on ways to ensure users have a consistent and high-quality experience on our platform."


A section of the new terms of service, titled “Rights,” notes that Instagram will also be able to use your photographs and identity in advertisements.

“You agree that a business or other entity may pay us to display your username, likeness, photos (along with any associated metadata), and/or actions you take, in connection with paid or sponsored content or promotions, without any compensation to you,” the new terms say.

This means that photographs uploaded to Instagram could end up in an advertisement on the service or on Facebook. In addition, someone who doesn’t use Instagram could end up in an advertisement if they have their photograph snapped and shared on the service by a friend. Facebook already runs ads that make use of people’s activity on its site.

9 What is the "processing image" I see after uploading a new tattoo image?

It takes a few seconds (or longer during heavy traffic times) to process uploaded tattoos. Just refresh the page (or the app if you're on your mobile device) in a minute or two and your tattoo images will show up instead of the "processing" image. Processing-tattoo

10 Does the TattooCloud Mobile App need to be connected to the Internet?

Yes and No. It will run much faster connected to WI-FI. Slow internet connections(3g) may timeout when uploading your large photos. Connect to WI-FI and you shouldn't have problems.

11 Does the App work while in Airplane mode?

It works to browse your photos in the gallery if you had the app open and your images downloaded (and keep it open) prior to changing to airplane mode. You cannot upload or download new photos while in airplane mode because the app need an internet connection for that. Also you cannot access the 'settings' screen in airplane mode for that same reason. You will get a nice message letting you know there no internet connectivity in this case.

12 How do I cancel my account?

Log in as the user you want to cancel and in the menu click "my account" then "change password". There you'll find a link to cancel account.

13 Can I edit multiple profiles with one account?

Yes... Studio managers will love this. Just send us an email to request this and we will setup all the artist profiles at your studio to be editable from the main studio profile.

14 Colors all wrong. Why does my tattoo image look messed up?

One reason could be the image type and it's mode.
1) be sure to upload .jpg images. Some other formats may work fine; some won't. JPG images are best.
2) make sure your jpg image is RGB and not CMYK. CMYK is used for printing and will not look right on the screen.