Domenic Viviano

Club Tattoo Tempe

825 South Rural
Tempe ARIZONA 85281
United States

My name is Domenic Viviano, but everyone calls me Dom. I’m a native to the state of Arizona, born and raised in Phoenix. I’ve lived a lot of places LA, San Fran, Vegas, Texas, however I guess I always found my self coming back home to Arizona. I must love the heat!

I wasn’t too good in school but I definitely excelled in anything and everything having to do with art. I knew when I was a kid I wanted to be a artist no matter what direction life took me. School really wasn’t for me, I felt limited in my creative ability so I started finding interest in painting with oil, acrylic, and water color. I still paint in these mediums today. Later I was introduced to the world of graphic design which opened my mind to a whole new level of creative energy.

I suppose my start into tattooing was heavily influenced by skateboarding and skateboard art. As a skateboarder I always wanted to design a skateboard for one of my favorite companies. I would paint my skateboards custom as if I were riding my own pro model. I still paint skateboards and design them. Back to tattooing, I remember as a kid I’d use a sharpie to draw on anyone who’d let me. Mostly my younger sisters!

The first tattoo I ever did is of a skateboard with a banner on my thigh. The banner has no words still to this day, because it hurt really, really bad! After that it was all over, a month later I had a tattoo on my face. I like to tattoo traditional but I also like to push the envelope and blur the line between all tattoo genres. I’ve been a tattooer for a little over 6 years. My major influences in the tattoo game, Vincent Rodriguez, Richard Stell, Bert Krak, and Gerard Wiesbeck. I absolutely love what i do. It’s the most rewarding and challenging job I’ve ever had. I don’t even consider it a job because technically I get to draw my own paychecks in a way.