Jon VanderMey

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Jon VanderMey

Whatchaneed Productions

1332 W. Main St.
Salem VIRGINIA 24153
United States

  • I am a 6th generation tattooer. 6 generations deep from the invention of the modern electric tattooing machine by Samuel O'Reilly on the Bowery in NYC in 1891.

  • I did a traditional, old-school, knock-down/drag-out, 3-year apprenticeship in a street shop in the NYC area. I've tattooed in NJ, MD, FL, and VA. I continue to learn all the time.

  • I like to work big, and prefer strong outlines, definitive shading, and bright color saturation. I am interested in many styles, but lean towards Traditional Americana and Japanese-style tattooing.

  • I work out of Whatchaneed Productions in the mountains of southwestern VA. I tattoo mostly by appointment... following an initial consultation where we discuss your project. I am OSHA Bloodborne Pathogen Training Certified, and use disposable, single-use needles and tubes. I make my own tattoo machines, and I use top of the line, small-batch inks that are made in the USA and are vegan-friendly.