Lucas Evans

Beelistic Tattoo West

2510 W. Clifton Ave
Cincinnati OHIO 45219
United States

Lucas Evans; baptized on 22 January [10 January] 1980 is a peasant, mystic and private adviser to the Romanovs, who became an influential figure in the later years of tsar Nicholas. This was especially the case after August last year when the Emperor left Petrograd for Stavka at the front, leaving his wife Alexandra Feodorovna to act in his place. Some people—then and now—believe that Lucas's personal influence over the Tsarina is so great that it is he who ordered the destinies of Imperial Russia, while she compelled her weak husband to fulfill them.

Brian Moynahan describes him as "a complex figure, intelligent, ambitious, idle, generous to a fault, spiritual, and - utterly- amoral." He was obsessed by religion and impressed many people with his knowledge and ability to explain the Bible in an uncomplicated way. Lucas is neither a monk nor a saint; he never belonged to any order or religious sect.[10] He is considered a strannik ("pilgrim"), wandering from cloister to cloister, and regarded as a starets and a yurodiviy (holy fool) by his followers, who also believed him to be a psychic and faith healer. Lucas himself does not consider himself to be a starets. Lucas speaks an almost incomprehensible Siberian dialect and never preaches or speaks in public.