Don Taylor
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4018 Fernandina Rd
Columbia SOUTH CAROLINA 29212
United States

I'm pretty sure I came out of the womb with a sharpie, 'cause I've been drawing on stuff for as long as I can remember. Hell, I even remember getting in trouble for drawing on myself as a kid... and that didn't turn out the way they had hoped for at all, haha.
Although I've always liked art and drawing (especially on stuff), a career as an "artist" wasn't really in the cards because you couldn't make enough... or at least so "they" said. And after a brief and incomplete stint in college, I found my way into the Marine Corps. 4 years later, I had no more of an idea regarding what I wanted to do than before. But I had messed around with tattooing in the barracks a little, and was able to get hired on at a shop (an absolutely terrible one, working for someone with less experience than I had). But I didn't know any better at the time, so I decided to give it a go... and figured it would at least work until I worked something else out. What I didn't expect was to become so obsessed with everything involved with tattooing that I immediately wanted to make it my permanent career. I had never loved doing something so much and been able to be paid for doing it... still blows my mind almost daily.